Sunday, October 13, 2013

Well, that's over...

The Prophecy: Forsaken

There isn't even much to say about this other than it stars Tony Todd and Jason Scott Lee. Candy Man puts the Dragon to the task of eliminating the keeper of the tome from the previous movie (this is a direct sequel). He has second thoughts and we have 60 more minutes.

Apparently now the book will prophesy who the antichrist is. Candy Man wants to off the child before Armageddon can start. In the end his plan is thwarted by a method that could just as easily been done with a match and less personal injury.

At lease this movie began with subtitles. Although, the priest spoke for like two minutes and the words only read, "No, it can't be." Todd and Scott have aged well. Thus concludes The Prophecy series. Do yourself a favor and stop at 3.

Verdict: Miss-able



  1. Ug...I'm perpetual. If I watch one. I'll need to see the rest. But I'll heed thy warning...

    1. Ugh, every time I go to make a comment, I sign myself out. I wish they'd move that button or encode a confirmation prompt. (Blooger needs a comment editor, too).

      Any, this movie breaks from the selling points of it's immediate predecessor and has a weak deus ex machina bordering on sexist and hardly logical. That in itself is just annoying. You'll see.
