Tuesday, October 31, 2023

It's a story about Love, Nuclear Waste, and New Jersey....

 The Toxic Avenger: The Musical

        As musicals go, I normally don't care for them. But when you include Citizen Toxie? You have my attention.

        For me, the Toxic Avenger was one of the first Troma movies as well as first real B-grade shlock-fest film that made it impossible for me to watch normal movies. In fact, I still own my original VHS tape I picked up sometime around 1992. Then a couple of years ago, I read that they were making a 'broadway musical' version of Toxic Avenger and I longed to see it. And thanks to youtube.com, I now have. And you can too:


           It's a re-telling of  Toxie's story, so don't get butt-hurt about some of the changes made. The entire play is written to be fun and dumb. But mostly fun. It's also funny and doesn't take itself too serious, even if the actors are acting their ass off. There's never a dull, slow part of the play, and at 2 hours, it's actually around 40 minutes longer then the original film. And I didn't even mind the singing. Watching this musical alone made up for all the other absolute trash I watched this year. All I've really learned is you can't trust a cool movie name.

    And that's it. 31 days, 31 movies, almost all crap. There were some surprises including Ahockalypse, Trailer Park Shark, and oddly, Pulgsari. Let's do this again in a year, but for now I'm going to read a comic book or something.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Rock Bottom.....


        An escaped convict is running from police in a sewer and falls into a pool that's highly toxic and he dies. Unbeknownst to him, a dumb evil scientist dumped a 55 gallon drum of acid he had previously used to dispose of a body of a former coworker that got um...poopy? 


       As with all movies as such, we know what happens next: Giant killer poo monster, bad acting, gross special effects, and a LOT of poop jokes. For example: Jack Schmidt was the name of the convict that is eventually turned into the poo monster. Heh...hope you like the color brown...

        But all is not lost. There's a plan to stop its murderous reign of sneaking up peoples toilets and murdering them while they're making miniature versions of that guy below.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your monster.

It was flies. They uses flies to kill the beast of turden. Whatever it takes to get those credits rolling

Tuesday: The Fabulous Final 'Film'...

But why did they have to have Barry Melrose?!?


What do hockey and zombies have in common? 

Nothing. But they made this movie anyway

        A minor league hockey time has just won its championship and is immediately attacked by zombies that downed a bunch of energy drinks. It's a crucial story of survival and nothing but hockey references and stereotypes. But relax...it's funny, goofy, and a much needed change of pace. If you like zombie movies and a ton of hockey references, this is for your. If none of those things are for you, you're really going to wish you watched it anyway because the next movie is a turd...

Monday: Oh poopy!!!