Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Demon Lords are soooo 1993...

Puppet Master 4

     Don't you just hate it when an underworld demon lord gets all up in your grill about your use of magic animation? Yeah, me too. And as it happens, demon lord Sutekh and his mighty nipples dispatch some mini-henchmen to kill some mostly innocent people for stumbling upon Toulons puppet creations. That's the main plot, anyway. Mr. Demon, a shirtless Henry Rollins wannabe, is pissed that Andre Toulon is using the secret magic that animates those stupid puppets. I'm not sure he holds the copyright or patents on it, but that's his beef. The rest of the movie is spent running around an old hotel watching the puppets take on the role of the good guys and lay waste to the mini-demon.

     One new puppet introduced is Decapatron, who shoots lightning out of one of his heads. He has to be electrified to start working so he's a bit high maintenance. It's also the vessel for Andre Toulons soul, so, lots of baggage there. There's a painfully awkward fight between Blade and a mini-demon that looks EXACTLY like when you made your GI Joe action figures fight. I cannot make that up.

     I hate each and every human character in this film. They are the whiniest bunch of ass hammers and should be set on fire and shot out of a cannon. And the demon lord? Aside from looking like a 'roided up nuclear fallout survivor, he had tennis balls for eyes and he clearly wanted you to know what he looked like naked. The perv.

     The story is mediocre, but I was intrigued enough to stick with it. Though is seems with every movie there's more information about the secret to the animation, there's also a bit more confusion to the continuity. I guess I'll just have to ignore it for the rest of the series even though each new plot relies on it heavily. However, this is slightly better than any of the first 3, so I like the upward trend I'm seeing. But I also know it only takes one half-assed sequel hastily slapped together to ruin the momentum.  

Wednesday: Mid Month Madness!!!


  1. So now Toulon's a puppet? This isn't one of the prequels? I'm so confused...but not confused enough to watch any of them.

  2. It's hard to explain, but the movies bounce all over the damn place. As I said in the first movie's review, there are 2 ways to watch: By release date or by timeline. If you watch by timeline, you end up watching 4 movies BEFORE the original Puppet Master film. It's all a mess.
