Monday, October 14, 2013

Toulon has a time machine...

Puppet Master 3: Toulon's Revenge

     So, just how great could a movie franchise be if 2 sequels are released direct-to-video in the same year? And better yet, they only made it till the 3rd film to screw up the continuity. Please observe:

     This installment starts with Toulon giving a puppet show in Berlin 1941...which is odd because he committed suicide in California, 1939. Hmmm. Well anyhoo, his puppet shows are 'political satire' as he explains, and includes an Adolf Hitler puppet. That in itself seems like a really dumb thing to do in Nazi Germany. So the Gestapo is sent to put an end to it, as well as figure out Toulons secret to animating ugly little puppets. Unfortunately, the meeting didn't go well and veteran bad guy Richard Lynch shoots Toulon's wife dead. And now we have our title revenge plot!!! Don't feel too bad, he eventually puts his wife's essences into a puppet we now know as Leech Woman or Leech Barfing Puppet. She appears to answer to both.

     It's hard to call it a typical revenge horror film when there's a bunch of stupid murderous puppets running around, but that's what it felt like. There's one new cowboy puppet with 6 arms, and six guns most originally named Six Shooter. Like all the other puppets, he enjoys killing and his guns pack quite the punch.
"I could have been called something cool like Six Kill or Randy Bullet Shooter Arms. But noooo! I'm Six Shooter. I'm named after a noun!

      As Toulon commences his 'murdervenge', he meets up with a father and son also in hiding. The father eventually rats him out to the Gestapo and then damn near in the same breath warns Toulon of their arrival. This guy turns out to be a mass-hole and is thankfully shot while his son watches. In the final kill-scene, we see the Richard Lynch character hung by meat hooks and dropped onto a halberd ax. Cute!
This is a halberd ax. It kills Nazi's
     Actually, this is the best so far, but we have 6 to go and I'm hoping they get better progressively...but know what they call a pessimist? An optimist with experience. Keep that in mind.

Monday Double Hitter (because I screwed off Sunday to watch football and take unnecessary naps)! Next up, The lighter side of the afterlife...

1 comment:

  1. Okay, if I was right about the souls, and Leech Woman has Toulon's wife's soul, then how could he expect her to be reincarnated in the previous movie?
