Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Devil's Minions Just Want Some Privacy


Populated by a cast of largely forgettable characters, this movie's title and opening credits are all done in a cheesy faux slime font. That's the caliber of this piece. However, the gargoyle costuming and makeup was rather good for the time period; very theatrical. On to the plot...

Oh yeah, it's going to be a first class ride.

Some old desert codger persuades a paleontologist and his shirt-challenged daughter, to visit is back-shed of wonders. He has a skeleton that the doc doesn't believe...until some things show up and wreck the place to get it back. That would've been enough for a normal person, but intellectuals always have something to prove. Doc swipes the skull, inviting the winged vermin back to his motel.

Uncle Willie and friend.

One of the retrieval party gets nailed by a mack truck and, since he hasn't learned from the first two encounters, doc stashes the body in his room. The next time the gargoyles come out in force, with their leader, who takes a shine to his daughter.

What's that you say about Incubus? Big Daddy likes!

Back in the lair, Big Daddy Gargs tells the daughter that they just want to be left alone. However, when they learn of the search party for the girl, he changes his tune to wipe-them-all-out-and-take-over. In the end, it's a draw. they both take their women and go.

Some of the dialogue is painful - especially from the annoying daughter.

Verdict: Forgotten with good reason.

7 - only because gargoyles are rare and they looked good.

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