Thursday, October 17, 2013

I'm really not sure why they bothered

Puppet Master 5: The Final Chapter (not really)

     Finally! Some continuity!!! Starting right where we left off, genius dude-bro Rick Meyers has been arrested for all dead people found in the Bodega Bay Inn. His new boss bailed him out and wants in on the puppet mastery or some such. However, Mr. Demon Nipples is back, and just as lame. He's using the same stupid minions as before! Why would you do that? If it didn't work the first 50 times, why the hell would you try it again? 
     Much like the first movie, it involves a lot of creeping around the same hotel with the same demon minion (only one this time) and the same puppets with the same protagonist...well, 3 of the 4 original. So what I'm basically saying is, this is almost the exact same movie. If I didn't know better, I'd say this was filmed at the same time as the 4th installment. In fact, at the end of the film, the stupid little minion is killed in the EXACT SAME FUCKING WAY. There's really no point in me reviewing this any further because I've already done it! Brilliant!

Well hell, at least I'm over the hump. Only four more to go..

Friday: A fan request....from last year.


  1. Have mercy on Mr. Demon Nipples. It's so hard to find good minions these days.

    Wait...we have fans?

  2. I think you'll get it when you see it Friday
