Sunday, October 13, 2013

Interpreter Needed

The Prophecy: Uprising

Eastern Europe. Whenever film companies wants to beat a dying horse - and do it with cheap help - they situate the next installation in Eastern Europe.  That said, this wasn't a bad sequel so much as it was annoying that someone (either at Netflix or encoding) didn't see fit to provide subtitles. Nearly the whole first half of the movie is spoken in some guttural Slavic language (probably Polish) with intermittent bursts of equally unintelligible English.

This whole movie is about the pursuit of a book called the 'something Lexicon', which is the final word of God, being written as you read it. There's a body-jumping demon named Belial after it, and a couple of angels trying to keep it from him. The bulk of the movie is pretty much common fare for the franchise. There's a twist at the end that I wasn't really expecting. Now that I have time to think about it, it doesn't add up that this particular character could have been in this form since the 1930s in Eastern Europe, but be in a different form in the US in the mid-90's. Whatever.

I don't think the movie stars anyone you'd notice.

Maybe a 7.

Verdict: Miss-able

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