Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Putting the 'happy' back in MURDER

It's a Wonderful Afterlife...

     In the first 4 minutes, you can hear an Indian rendition of The A-Team opening theme song. We're off to a great start!

     This is a British film centered around the Indian (dots, not feathers) population in Britain. Since it's British/Indian, even the worst actors sound better despite not being able to say 'garage' correctly.

     We start with some odd murders, including death by over eating/gastro-intestinal explosion, rolling pin impaling, and shish kabob neck stabbing, etc... But it's never a mystery who did the killing. After the last murder, the main characters mother starts seeing all the murder victims as spirits, and they start bugging the hell out of her...because SHE'S the one that did the murdering! OK, so it's a comedy, but it's got ghosts, murder, and I could use a break.

     As the story goes, now the mother and the victim-spirits need to get the daughter married off so they can ascend or reincarnate. Yeah, it's a flimsy, lighthearted tale that's easy to digest and isn't controversial. Quite frankly, at best this is a 'cute' movie and best watched on a Saturday/Sunday afternoon when football is taking over all the other channels. Yeah...it's also a chick flick. I picked one of the most metal of seasons to watch a chick flick when I should be watching chainsaw wielding ax murders chase scantly clad co-eds around a lake at night. However, there's a terrible scene near the end that satires Carrie so I'm going to uses that to validate my lame choice. As a lesson in perception, it's funny how nearly from the start you forget how the mother savagely beat someone to death, stabbed one in neck, and stabbed the last victim in the dick with a set of shears.....

Tuesday: # 4


  1. You're all about the dick-stabbing this year.

  2. This really isn't how I had envisioned my movie season. It's a bit more 'penisy' than I prefer.
