Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tired of Combusting? Try New Vampisol

Vampires in Havana

The son of Dracula invents Vampisol, a potion that allows vampires to walk in the sun, but not all vampires are happy about it so he flees to Cuba. Equal parts gangster movie and vampire flick, this satirical animated comedy is risque and full of bawdy humor and biting sarcasm. 

A vampire in hiding from a powerful undead cabal, treats his beloved nephew for a mysterious condition for years. Little does the nephew know, the condition is actually vampirism. The heads of the elite families back in the old country get wind of his whereabouts, and that he's completed his serum. A schism develops between those who want to use the serum to become all powerful, and those who want to see it destroyed. The latter are making a killing running a fake daylight scenario club (I think in New York) and access to the real deal would bankrupt their racket. Both factions descend on Havana.

Gold chain-wearing gangster vamps.
 Meanwhile Junior has gotten himself mixed up with both local mobsters and the cops, who are all gunning for him. He goes to his uncle for help, who informs him that he is a vampire. He doesn't believe until he is shot but does not die. In the midst of all this is his girlfriend, who's trying (but failing) to be virtuous and get a ring on her finger.

This is actually kind of interesting and funny in a Hispanic Benny Hill kind of way, if you can tolerate subtitles and salsa music.

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