Thursday, October 31, 2013

Horror Families are the BESTEST Families!!!

Dark Shadows

     What little I've watched of the old Dark Shadows soap opera, I felt it creepy and moody and had wanted nothing to do with it. However, when I found out that Tim Burton was doing a full feature film, I was on board. I know he's had his misses, but it's hard to fail when Burton and Depp are involved.

     The story seems typical: A jilted lover kills Barnabas parents, lover, and turns him into a vampire. Then, the bitch has the nerve to get the townspeople to bury him alive in an iron coffin for 196 years. Modern (well sort of, 1972) day construction frees him and he reacquaints himself with his long lost family. I should say that this seems typical as of late, given all the horror treats we've had over the last 15 years. We're not surprised by much anymore.
      I'll stop short of calling the plot weak because that's not what this film is selling. This film is selling imagery, nostalgia, and maybe a little Depp. Actually, a lot of Depp. And Depp's masterful dialog. And cleavage. Everyone but the 2 youngest women were literally bursting at the seems. And while everything from wardrobe, lighting, cinematography, and sound were just top notch, there were some things I thought were underutilized. For example, the two ghosts, one of which was Barabas first love. The other was a victim of Angelique, the film antagonist. I would have though both of them would have helped a bit more. Oh, and the nostalgia, thankfully, wasn't ran into the ground like I had thought it might. It was well placed and quirky, but NOT part of the overall story. The soundtrack was also outstanding and there's a kick ass cameo by the ugliest woman known to mankind, Alice Cooper!

     I'm glad I saved this for last. It was the quickest 113 minutes of this season, and my favorite as well. The lack of a proper epilog and a predictable teaser at the end were the only real beefs I had with this film. This, I feel, is a must watch.

    And that's it! 31 features in 31 days. My curiosity for never ending sequels may have been the reason most of my picks were absolutely terrible this year, but as I said on Oct. 1st: This is the only genre that holds the worst in the same regard as the best. And I think this year I've seen both.

But I do have one last bonus I'd like to share with you:

Friday: I'm going to read a fucking book!!! god damn tired of movies right now......

1 comment:

  1. I;m reading the Hollows series by Kim Harrison - or I was - but tomorrow...I think I might try writing again for the first time in a year. We'll see.

    I want to like Dark Shadow (the series) but I have trouble being impressed by it. First, the series has been restarted at least twice, not including the 90s (?) miniseries. Barnabas was like persona non grata in the first series, if I'm not mistaken, and talked about more than seen. I remember lots of spooky creepiness that...never went anywhere. At least the last series incarnation actually featured Barnabas and not just a bunch of people voguing ennui-style in dimly lit rooms.
