Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Make It stop, Make It Stop!

Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman

Good Gawd this was filmed on a studio set. I can't respect a film company that doesn't even have the decency to at least take their low budget project to Prague. Also apparently this is now supposed to be a horror comedy franchise, except, when was it ever funny?

Jack's Back. The ominous Company from the first movie procures Jack's tainted antifreeze and tries to revive him. All their scientific trials fail but janitor knocks over a cup of Joe and that does the trick. Seriously.

Meanwhile, Sam the Sheriff has PTSD and, after an unfortunate incident at the shrink's office, decided to take a second honeymoon with his wife, deputy and secretary (they're engaged). That's right, this farce takes place on a tropical island.

Snowman killer, Tropical Island.

What's on tap, Jack?
This descends rapidly into mock cloak & dagger with Super Soakers full of antifreeze, an army of mutant snowman Mini Mes, and deadly banana daiquiris. I've officially found this year's nadir.



  1. Did Jack look any more menacing? Or still more of the bloated Frosty look

  2. Bloated Frosty. Believe it or not he looked even LESS menacing than before.
