Monday, October 28, 2013

It's like Happy Tree Friends, only less gory

Easter Bunny, KILL! KILL!!!

     So, this movie is about a single mom, her special needs son, a new boyfriend that's a piece of trash, and a child molester. Oh, and a bunny mask wearing murderer. This movie will present a special challenge to me as I try not to use the word ''retarded''. This is a daunting task because that's what this movie has the most of: reta---mmph---regretful scenes.

     Nicholas, our special little guy, has been raised by his single mother since his dad died when he was six. She's met herself a new beau, and let me tell you, he's a real choice cut. He starts the movie by shooting a convenience store clerk in the face after robbing him. So, he's not really a people person.
Seriously, how does a fat CHUD like this pick up a hotty like that? His boobs are almost as big as hers!

     Mindy, Nicholas's mother, leaves for work and the debauchery begins. Remington, the new boy-toy, calls a pedophile friend to come over and watch the rambunctious little tot, and have his way with him in exchange for some heroin. Remington heads out to pick up some hookers for a party and Pedo-Man tries to chase down Nick but some dude wearing a bunny mask drills a hole inside his head. I liked that scene. But Donnie Darko's retar----nnngggggh---repugnant cousin keeps the murders a'comming with the likes of crowbar bashing, a Skil saw to the chest, broomstick impaling, and so on...

     I have to say that I was a little surprised by the ending, but that's hardly enough to make up for the 90 minutes of whatever the hell this was. It was strangely creepy at times (mostly the pedo), and slash-o-riffic with blood gushing all over. Stream it from Netflix if you're in the mood for a low budget indie horror film. Originally, I was going to watch Night of the Cobra Woman, but I had just seen that 2 weeks ago on Svengoolie and really wasn't in the mood to watch it again.

As an added bonus, please enjoy another classic bunny scene

Tuesday: Some sort of tri-clops with a laugh track...or 2 smart-assed robots and a straight man.

1 comment:

  1. LOL Dude, I totally passed this over at least 5 times this run. Now I just want to see the end.
