Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Should Have Been Called Vampire Among Us

Werewolf: The Beast Among Us

When I first saw this direct-to-video feature, I had reservations. Almost no one makes a good werewolf movie, let alone one not intended for theater viewing. So it begs a mention that I was in awe of this while watching - I mean it had a plot, actors you could recognize, actual decent performances, AND the cinematography was gorgeous - and did not take the title as literally as other reviews say one should. Also, the clues did not seem as obvious to me because I really wanted to believe someone could make a movie this good about my beloved beast. I still maintain that this is a cut above the usual horror fare even though, yeah, some of it makes little sense after consideration.

The plot goes that a small village is being decimated by a monster and puts out a reward for it's destruction. The reward attracts two sets of hunters: legitimate and scam artists. The scam artists try to foil the hunt for the legits as often as possible, often at their own expense. Both parties quickly discover that this is not your average beast. Suspicions arise and allegations are made.

One of the villagers, Daniel (a young medical apprentice),  hangs around the hunters and comes up with a Silver Bullet-esque theory about the beast picking off the town's unsavory characters (although minus the self-righteousness of Bullet's Rev. Lowe). In the middle of all this, Daniel's love, Eva (who lives within an iron-gated estate) is being romanced by one of the legit hunters' men, with increasing ferocity. That was a little weird and seemed out of place until you got to the big unveiling (that I already spoiled if you were paying attention) - which was really just a diversionary tactic so you weren't thrown by the 5 sec heel-face-turn.

It has it's problems, I won't lie, but I still think it's worth watching.


1 comment:

  1. I forgot to add the there was also gypsy prophecy...because these things are just not legitimate until a band of gypsies sign off on 'em.
