Thursday, October 30, 2014

You'll Get My VCR When You Pry It From My Cold Dead Hands 2: Sequel Reckoning

V/H/S/ 2

...aka GoPros gone Wild!!

     That's the thing about 'found footage' movies: Crappy camera, lots of innuendo, and more questions than answer at the end. That's typically why I find them annoying and avoid at all costs. When I chose the first V/H/S last year, I cursed myself when I realized what it was. However, I made a commitment, so I stuck it out and watched it. Strangely, it satisfied me just enough to pique some interest in the sequel, and that's why I picked it...and thankfully, I was happy with what I saw.

     4 stories, with a 5th acting as bumpers. It's the same formula from the first film, but I think the real differences showed in the 'startle' factor. And normally, I hate those film. I startle easy, but that's not the same thing as scaring me. None of the film was actually scary, BUT---at some point in every story, I had goosebumps with a smile on my face. The goosebumps don't happen to me very often, and hardly ever because of a horror movie. It could have just been the mood I was in, but for some reason this movie clicked with me and I enjoyed the hell out of it.

     It takes too much to examine every story, so I'm just going to give a small glimpse of what you'll see:
      Eye gouging, exploding cult leaders, alien abduction, zombie feasting (POV, of course), a demon spawn finds his 'papa', and a very coordinated mass suicide. Wanna see the 'papa' thing? Thought you'd never ask
Yup, that's his son. He has his dads....tendency to drool.

Thursday: Major Tom to OMG WTF IS THAT?!?!?!!?

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