Friday, October 31, 2014

Every Dog Has Its Day

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

I really have a lot to say about this movie but I'm thinking of revisiting that whole series for some analyses later. I can say this though: having watched this out of order, Underworld: Awakening seems even more of a disappointment.

The basics are that this is the story of Lucian - leader of the Lycan Horde - and how he came to be by Viktor's side...and eventually betray him. Viktor was a total bastard. If you didn't like him in the first movie , you'll really hate him this time around.

I loved the movie but I thought that some things could have been better. First, I disagree with how Kevin Grevioux's character came to be a Lycan.Second, slightly more could have been said about Wilhelm, the White Wolf. If this was your intro into Underworld, you'd have no idea who they were talking about. Also, despite Underworld: Evolution's foray into the past of both Markus and his brother, a lot about Wilhelm is left to conjecture. In this movie, though, it is at least hinted at that the Lycans born of Wilhelm's bite weren't just mindless animals. They had community, were clever enough to set traps (or at least utilize available means), and they recognized authority - or rather they chose an authority. Mindless beasts don't do that. despite what people like to think about the animal kingdom, there's a fare amount of order that does not speak to mindlessness. I would have preferred to understand how the early Lycans evolved or was that half of the species hunted to extinction?

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