Friday, October 31, 2014

Starro's Revenge


Some Irish people are forced to drink to stay alive in this Tremors-meets-the-sea farce. SO many snarky comments, my mind can't handle it...

So some space creatures crash into the sea near Ireland and commence mating. What, were they on their honeymoon or something? Anyway, the female - which is about 1/4 the size of the male - is captured and her mate begins searching for her. Only he doesn't exactly understand that she'd been captured (versus playing hard to get). He starts showing up at all the places where her pheromones are and making offerings to her (out of the locals). The male is HUGE:

The middle looks like a huge anus. Tentacles and questionable orifices? This could be Japanese.

It turns out that the creatures (who exsanguinate their victims)  are susceptible to high blood-alcohol levels, Pity they ended up near the Emerald Isle. It doesn't end well.

I guess I could say more but I have a lot of movies to blog about in a short time so...add it to your list for next year. It was funny.

Best Line (that I understood):
"As flattering as it is to have a beautiful drunk slurring her feelings for me, this isn't the time."

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