Thursday, October 30, 2014

You Can Interface with the Motherboard

Death Machine

I can sum this up as Hardware interpreted by a indigent version of Universal Solider in Robocop's armor. And I can tell you it sucked.

So some lady CEO leaks info about her company's dirty misdeeds and pulls rank at a board meeting. Not the smartest move when you work for a weapon's manufacture that microchips all its execs...and has a chief designer that's an anti-social crazed lunatic...named Jack Dante (played by Brad Dourif channeling Trent Reznor). I'll bet someone thought it would be really cool to name their nutjob character Dante...because, you know, that's NEVER been done before...or better.

"So does this mean we can't interface?"

Anyway, Dante gets pissed at his boss (who he also wants to boink) and unleashes Warbeast. Remember the mousers built by Baxter Stockman in TMNT? Well Warbeast is basically a giant mouser with arms.

Frankly, the mousers were more frightening.

In the middle of all this, some high corporate eco-terrorists - that looked like they stepped out of Tank Girl or Johnny Mnemonic - raid the place and take hostages. Once everyone is assembled you can tell who the survivors will be right away. Soon they are all on the run from the mouser-beast, which apparently hunts on pheromones. Someone gets the bright idea to trip the fire alram with a big explosion, and seal all the blast of course later they have difficulty getting out.

I almost want to watch Hardware again just so I can scrub the images of this from my mind. Also, Dylan McDermott...mmm.

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