Friday, October 31, 2014

Which Witch is Which?

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters

Well you already know the Hansel and Gretel backstory - two kids get abandoned in the woods and stumble upon a candy cottage run by a cannibal witch. This takes place while they are adults. After rescuing themselves from the clutches of the witch (and developing diabetes), H & G go on to become slayers-for-hire (think The Brothers Grimm, 2005, only minus the charlatanism).

They roll into a town that has been missing children and stay an execution. The woman they save develops the hots for Hansel, whom she successfully mounts before the shit really hits the fan.

I've watched this a few times, not because it's good but because it's an action-horror crossover and I seem to like those. They don't even attempt to be historically accurate (or as accurate as you can be in a supernatural film). H & G f-bomb and can big rudimentary guns. There's some pretty good splatter, but I realize that's not what makes this film interesting to me.

Hansel & Gretel contains a rather interesting power dynamic with respect to women. You have your good witches and your bad witches - all of whom die - and then you have you're potential witch, whose inability to access her power keeps her alive. Specifically, she lives by relying on the power of men, whether it's a rescue or a weapon. The message translated is that female power is dangerous.

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