Friday, October 31, 2014

Secret Sword Techniques and an Appearance of Claws

Blade (Anime)

Okay so we all know Blade's deal: Eric is a Daywalker, having been born from a woman who was bitten while pregnant. In this version of the tale Eric is raised by his mother's prostitute roommies after her apparent death. Blade is a trick baby? Nice.

The other half of Blade's deal is that he's always on the hunt for Deacon Frost, the man who killed his mother and turned him into a blood-fiend. Deacon is a scheming madman here whose backstory is that he actual gave himself vampirism to get back at vamps for the death of his son. I know...and it didn't make sense to anyone in the series either.

Anywho in typical Anime fashion, this serves up stylistic kills, and ridiculous monstrosities. I mean there were a pair of werelion twins, who I think may have also been vampires. I'm not kidding. There were vampire cats galore, and because this takes place mostly in Southeast Asia, there were a ton of disgusting amalgams between vampires and native folkloric creatures. My personal fave was the one that split in half, so only the top have went hunting. Even one of the characters uttered an "Ew."

Oh, and Wolverine made a guest appearance.

 This series had 12 episodes so I am counting it was three movie choices. I think I am at like 16 now. Obviously I'm not going to make it to 31 but it was a valiant effort with the stress of everything that's been going on.

Toodles until next year.

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