Sunday, October 28, 2012

I'll just assume that's cocoon building material...

Ghidorah: The 3 Headed Monster

I needed one giant monster movie this year, and 3 heads are better than one.

     Um, plot-wise, this one is a bit of a mess. Super Big Important Princess Whats-her-tush is on her way to Japan, aka city of monsters, and disappears when her plane explodes due to bomb infestation. Then meteors, then she shows up as a demigod from mars...see what I mean? This isn't even the first 3rd of the movie. But, check out the all star cast:



The Peanut Sisters!


And Mo-Fo GODZILLA!!!!

     Naturally, 'Zilla and Rodan start going at it immediately. They have such a deep hatred for each other, it takes Mothra to break up the spraying them both with silly string. Mothra never changes into a moth, and at one point is seen riding on the back of Rodan, spewing his silly string all over Ghidorah. Godzilla, ever the tactful warrior, can be seen chucking rocks at Mr. Trios Head. I don't recall him ever lighting up G-Head once and that's a bit odd because it's one of Big G's trademark moves.
     In the end, they defeat Ghidorah. However, it should be noted that all they really did was chase him away and that's where they end it. Nobody goes after him, nobody knows where he went. Seems to me, that's something you'd want to do or at the very least, follow up on.

Next Up: The Final 4

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