Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Time to wrap this up

 Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger 4

     Try, for a second, to forget that the 2nd and 3rd movies ever took place. I's like trying to forget that The Phantom Menace ever happened, but that's what the movie tells me to do! I'm not kidding! Right at the beginning, it apologizes for 2 & 3, and tells me to forget it ever happen. That in mind...
     Toxie and his lard-ass sidekick try to save a school of 'special' students from terrorists of some sort. I don't know, they're dressed as babies. It's all very strange. Anyhoo, the job goes bad and a bomb goes off (thankfully) killing Lard-ass, and transports Toxie to a parallel universe where he's a bad guy. At the same time, his polar opposite going by the name of Noxie is also transported to Toxie's universe. After that, there's a multitude of silly over the top violence that we've come to love Toxie for. Except for the fetus battle. That might have put it over the top even for me. Or maybe it was Noxie's Freddy Kruger-faced wanker. As usual, evil is vanquished and good reigns supreme. This might have given me a headache.
     This should have been the first sequel. I found this better than the other two by far. I also liked this Toxie's voice a lot better. It was deep, manly, and articulate. However...not much tone on the guys body. The old Toxie was a slab of muscle compared to this guy. The important thing to remember here is..It's over! NO MORE DAMN TOXIC AVENGER MOVIES!!!...till this jerk makes another...

I mix in a little banana peel into my weed. 
Toxie Facts!-->

Toxie now vomits green sludge when he reaches sexual climax.

Lemmy Kilmister shows up up at 5:26! FUCKING LEMMY!!!!...and that fucking dork Sgt. Kabuki-man NYPD is in several scenes. He's also the father of Toxies' girlfriends son. I guess that makes him a dick.

There is a really was a thing, it really happened, and I guess it's the only thing I have left to see. 

Dear God, make it rain fire on these dipshits.
     That's it for me. I've watched 27 movies, in 31 days, almost all in a row. I'm tired of movies. But in the interest of full disclosure, here's what I had to postpone due to the business trip: Prince of Darkness, Dark Tower, RetarDEAD, and Ticked Off Trannies With Knives. So yeah...I had to pass on some 'quality' films...till next year, that is.

1 comment:

  1. I was going to propose we extend this to Saturday due to your trip, my schooling and Sandy, but I wee you're ready to be done with it. I still have about five movies that I watched but just don't have time to write about (I'm far too exhausted now). Guess I'll post them tomorrow-ish.
