Monday, October 29, 2012

Grimm Indeed

Grimm: La Llorona

::sigh:: If it wasn't for the fact that school has been preventing me from keeping up my end, I would not even be bothering to list this one.  Of the American depictions of The Weeping Woman (a Hispanic Legend), Supernatural was definitely scarier (and the Hellboy story from the collaborative collection was more moving).  This lackluster offering really did nothing to define the character in terms of the show's perimeters or even to add a new layer to it.  Also, it made me want to watch/read up on Grimm specifically for conspiracy revelation and I hate it when shows like this make you more interested in to mundane workings than in the things that are supposed to set them apart - namely the monsters and plot.

But anyway, a Mexican-American ex-agent helps the lead character keep some kids from being drowned by this undefined creature, with whom she has a personal grudge.  She herself is some kind of cat-thing, which just seemed thrown in for measure and really contributed nothing to the storyline.

If I end up watching this show I'm going to be mad.

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