Monday, October 29, 2012

It's...there was this sure what the sumo wrestlers for...Christ, did everyone drink the bong water but me?

The Toxic Avenger 2

     OK, let's get to work. It's been five years since the events in the first film. Toxie is super bored because there's no crime, therefore there's nobody to violently impale on kitchen equipment. Then some insufferable prick blows up the Home for the Blind that Toxie worked at in order to turn it into a toxic dump. So, within the first 15 minutes, there's a super duper fight. There is nowhere else in the world that you can see an over the top ultra violent fight between Toxie and a biker, a tranny, a man-dog, a midget basketball player, a Klansman, and Indian. Oh, I forgot, it also breaks in to a very short dance number. And in case you were wondering, the fight with the midget was the best (Toxie turned him into a basketball). After that, it's off to Japan to find his dad. His dad's a jerk, so he kills him. Apocalypse is ruining Tromaville, and Japans ass needs whooping, so everyone has a taste of Toxies' fist of fury. All along the way, things just get super freaking strange and it make me wonder if Lloyd Kaufman spends most of his time sucking off a bong.
     Once back in Tromaville, Toxie starts cleaning house. And after a silly final confrontation (until the next sequel), the truth about his father is revealed and it's party time.
     The violence is waaaay over the top compared to the first film, and there's just too many goofy things to list. I've heard some mention of it being darker than the original, but that's bunk. It's just as messed up as the first. It's probably been close to 20 years since I've seen this mess, and I was damn glad to witness it again. I'd forgotten most of it, so it was like watching it for the first time.


Toxie Facts!-->

Part 2 and 3 were originally one movie, but Lloyd had taken so much footage that he had to break them up. Now I understand why I confuse the two so often.

Yes, that's Michael Jai White in his very first movie. Welcome to the skids, kid.

 For some lame reason, Melvin Ferd's new last name is Junko.

Tuesday: The Toxic Avenger 2, part 3

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