Monday, October 2, 2023

This? THIS is how I'm starting HorrorFest 2023 out?!?

Night Of The Killer Bears

         This is marketed as a Ted knock-off. But right away it's clear this is NOTHING like that. It takes place in Thailand in a small-ish hotel room run by a sadist who is torturing someone in the back room. A couple is checking in for reasons I don't care and won't make much difference to the plot...if there WAS a plot. Pretty soon things go off the rails as guys wearing giant teddy bear masks show up and start killing people. While they're killing people, we find 2-3 more serial killers torturing people because clearly that's a normal hobby in Thailand.

        Eventually it's revealed that the Kill-E-Bears were sent by non other than the female half of our protagonist couple. Why? I'm sure it was in one of the lines of subtitles but I don't recall and I definitely don't care. Everyone in this movie is stupid and should die. And they pretty much all do. That's the best I can do for a happy ending.

Monday: Long Live Rock & Bone....

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