Saturday, October 7, 2023

Southern hospitality and botany....

 Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies

        This is a warning about kudzu...a plant imported to help with soil erosion that has taken over the south. Everything is covered in it now. There, you were warned.

        A trio of redneck crotch fruit are wandering around the country side drinkin' beer, smoking weed, talkin' bout things and stuff. They stop at some old hipppies place and find him mostly dead...but alive enough to bite one of the teens in the arm because 'surprise', he's now a zombie. Probably because of the anti-kudzu defoliant they're dumping all over the place. Seriosly, this is an unofficial remake of Toxic Zombies, and just as bad. Anyhoo, the bitten teen starts feeling bad, then worse, then nothing at all. Then comes the zombie phaze of the bite and it's all rednecks vs. zombies starting with a festival in town. As the party spills over to the country side, you realize how boring this motive is and start watching youtube video on the side. 

        There's way to many post-credit scenes for a movie this crappy. The good news is, it does eventually end and you never have to watch it again.

Monday: The title is too long....

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