Monday, October 31, 2022

All children are Hell-spawns...

As usual, I want to end this years movie list with something light, fun, easy on the eyes and brain...Instead I picked:

Little Evil

     Poor Gary. He has a new bride, and with that comes a new step-son named Lucas. He appears to be the spawn of Satan. This is probably true. Right away the evidence starts piling up:

*Tells a teacher to 'go to hell', and she procedes to douse her face with lye and jump out of a window , impaling herself on a fence below

*Stares at a TV broadcasting nothing but white noise

*Makes a party clown lights himself on fire

*All previous boyfriends are dead

*Was conceived during a cult ritual (that's a big one).

     After realizing that he probably IS the hell spawn, it becomes clear to Gary he must kill the antichrist. To do so, you need the Knife Of Destiny. But killing a kid isn't that easy, especially after taking said spawn to a water park and bonding. That throws the mission upside down and creepy cultists kidnap Lucas to finish the job. Turns out, in order for Satan to come to Earth, he needs a vessel, and that vessel is Lucas. Kill Lucas, and Satan can have to body. You know what? It's a thin plot, but nowhere near the worst we've ever seen. After a climatic end which featured a demon made of fire, cultists, and a monster truck, we're treated to a happy ending we all could use.

And that's IT! I'm DONE! 31 days, 31 movies, and nearly every one of them knocked down a couple of my already struggling IQ points. Maybe a book will help with that....

'Till next year!

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