Friday, October 6, 2023

Technically, there was more than one spider...


Yep, found your problem right there....

        While stuck in traffic on his way home from being fired off the set of a future theatrical bomb, a volcano erupts and a spider that violates everything known about lava begins it's reign of terror by scaring the bajeepers out of our sad, sad protagonist. Yes, we have a Sharknado clone and Fin makes a cameo to reinforce that sad fact.


        Steve Gutenberg trying his best to be a badass. Nobody's buying it, Mahoney!!! Oh threw a Michael Winslow a bone!  Don't get me wrong, he's being self-depreciating, and it's just adorbs. Making fun of his washed-up career by playing a washed up actor. 

        Look, we've seen these movies before (or at least I have...a lot).  There's nothing really new here other than the storyline and cast. It's Hail Marys and pseudo science with a LOT of bad acting and questionable CGI. It's a movie best watched hungover on a late January Saturday or Sunday afternoon. The spiders look decent, but it's no Industrial Light & Magic. The acting has Gutenberg, Winslow, and Peeples. You tell me what happens when put those three in the same film.

So to summarize:

Steve Gutenberg playing Geve Stutenberg!

Nia People's veiny cleavage!

Patrick Renna looking almost exactly like he did 30 years ago with an ever-so punchable face!

Seriously, I wanna to punch him in his weird face.

Saturday: Most people prefer gummies to cookies....

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