Monday, October 2, 2023

All stitched up...

 Rock N Roll Frankenstein

        A slimey record exec is tired of fighting and losing his star talent to other managers and decides to MAKE his own rockstar...someone he can own. Don't even need to get into the social implications that entails but for the sake of this dumb movie, I'll shut down that part of my brain.

        Anyhoo, said record exec hires his nephew to help build the next great rock and roll superstar. He's also employing a roadie and his stoner friends to do some good ole fashoned grave robbing to supply body parts. The graves robbed in no particular order: Buddy Holly, Jimi Hendrix, and of course, Elvis Presley.

What you think you're getting...

        While the "assembly" is successful, the Franken Presley naturally develops characteristics of the rockstars he was assembled from including homosextual tendencies because he was put together with Liberace's weiner....because that's how science works.

What you actually get.

        Really, the rest of the movie is about him being gay in some of the most homophobic ways. I's not like I expected a great journey of discovery and sexual awakenings...the title is Rock n Roll Frankenstein for fuck sake. My expectations were out the door when I read the title. But when you're exposed to it's giant green talking've peaked...even after he rips it off with a hook and chain lift.

Fun fact: This pile of shit had its debut at the 1999 Helsinki International Film Festival....which means absolutely NOTHING!!!

Tuesday: DON'T send in the clowns....

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