Thursday, October 19, 2023

Say perhaps to drugs....

 Conaine Shark

      In our opening scene, some dork steals a lame-named drug called HT25 and it's made from sharks. Sounds awesome but it has side effects for the sharks that include mutations. Mutations like Crab Shark!


Bat shark!


And Sharpedo!


        This entire story also revolves around an under cover cop infiltrating a shark drug gang. I don't know what this Miami Shark Vice storyline has to do with any of these mutations, but it's happening. I only know that not enough people are dying of shark attacks! Everyone involved in the making of this tightly packed coil of cinematic mastery should be deported to France.

Disclaimer: None of the mutant sharks ever snort coke. Utter twat-wafflery.

Tuesday: Sequels are always better, right? RIGHT???

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