Sunday, October 15, 2023

Over the hump we go....

 Invasion of the Bee Girls

        From the deepest parts of the '70s comes this really crappy movie about secret government project that turns women into sexual predators. No, for reals! Guys start dropping off like flies from the same thing over and over: Congestive heart failure. The reason why? They're getting fucked to death by women that have been doped up with a super-serum made from bees!

        As the police, special agent Agar,  and local doctors investigate, it becomes clear there's only one solution: Abstinence. Yeah, telling people not to have sex always works. Naturally the town-folk tell them the get bent and continue doing things with their ugly parts. Seeing how that didn't work, they send in the military to quarantine the town. Guess how well that worked?

        Anyhoo, special agent Agar suddenly becomes a scientist and starts researching insect mating habits. Whether or not this helps his investigation is pretty clear when he fails to develop an 'ah-ha' moment. Instead, it was more like he just watched a bunch of entomology porn while another guy is humped to death with Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade is playing in the background.

        There's also a scene that shows the Bee-girl making process and FFS it drag this movie to a grinding halt! It's a stupid boring scene that doesn't fit in with the rest of the movie.

        Eventually, Special Agent Agar moves in and destroys the equipment used to make that last scene overly boring and finally ends the movie, giving us the release we deserve. After 80-some minutes of this crapfest, I feel like I should be given a medal for surviving it.

Tuesday: Hot Cougar Action!!!

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