Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Gutter bawls!!!!

 Sorority Babes In The Slimeball Bowl-A-Rama 2

        Jesus tap dancing Sally, Full Moon, can you not make a full 90 minute movie anymore?

        Idiot bimbo "college" students are gearing up for a pledge night party. Odd that they're still in college , since most of these bimbos are in their 30s, but hey!  Movie Magic! Anyway, one of the original cast members returns to warn the current sorority leader about a curse placed on the house because of the events in the first movie. She laughs it off, walks away and that means it's time for a shower scene....that's censored. Tubi does not care about nudity so I'm not sure why the hell they did that considering there's very clearly nipples in other scenes.

        Meanwhile a trio of idiots with peens start watching the 'babes' via spy cameras they installed earlier. Must have a thing for MILFs. They get busted and are forced to drive the women to a bowling alley. Not a night club, a fucking bowling alley. YES>-- I know it's in the title of the movie, but wouldn't a night club be a better idea? Once the group of dunder-heads commit breaking and entering (because it's closed, nobody bowls anymore), it's time to dance bowl!!! Somehow they find beer and all of the sexual predators get to live out their 'hot for teacher' moment. Or was it hot step mommy moment? Whatever, where is that damn monster?!? 30 minutes (halfway) through the movie and no bloodshed!

        Finally after 36 minutes, the monster show's itself!...and it's a fucking silicone hand puppet. 

        As a thanks for freeing him, the imp grants wishes...but we all know that wish-givers are complete dicks.  All the granted wishes are horribly flawed: One of the peens wants to be a famous wrapper, so the imp turns him into a candy bar wrapper and eats him. The other peen wants 'shit-tons of cash, brah!" and shits himself to death, spraying money out of his ass...ect...ect...ect...still no blood yet....

        ....and there won't be any. The stupid imp is put back in his bottle prison by going all Rumpelstiltskin after having his name, Harold, said out loud.

        This is obviously a far cry from the original, which was bad enough in it's own right. But that was an '80s boob movie and we accepted that and stayed up late on Friday and Saturday nights to watch it on Cinemax. But this film? This isn't fit to stream.

Thursday: The 3rd and final sequel of a franchise nobody knew about....

I miss the '80s

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