Wednesday, October 18, 2023

"My name is Band....Charles Band. and I make 'movies'

 Barbie & Kendra Storm Area 51

        There's a man named Charles Band. He makes movies for Full Moon Features. He's also OWNS Full Moon Features and that makes it a lot easier to be a director of your own movie. He's responsible for all Puppet Master, Evil Bong, and crap-ton of other really bad movies. And he's also reponsible for this:

        Nitwit vapid bimbos act stupid in front of a green screen while action scenes from other movies play in the background. That is until the MST3K-esq voice over begins and the silliness starts. Don't worry about the plot, it's all over the place and that's going  happen when you mash classic trash movies together like The Day Time Ended and Space Thing. That's the short story. There's no long story because the plot is just witty dialog and boob jokes. And lots of boobs.

        Truthfully, I love these movies. When I was young in the 90's, I watched MST3K every chance I got and this reminds me of that and I'm also a sucker for spoof movies. No, it's not drop-dead funny, but you'll smile and it's only 50 minutes.  

        One thing of note...they never ACTUALLY storm Area 51. They just sat and watched TV.

Saturday: This is going to be a hairy one....

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