Wednesday, October 18, 2023

I don't think he's part of the union....

 Maniac Cop 3

        Voodoo priest raises the dead cop and it's time for murder spree!!!!

        Cops doing cops things, failing terribly. One nutjob in particular robs pharmacy  and attempts to do every drug in the place while over-acting and killing 3 cops while wounding 1 badly. That cop is rushed to the hospital and declared brain dead. 2 scummy reporters film the whole thing and use it to frame the wounded cop and tarnish her name. But not on Maniac Cops beat! He kills the nurse, doctor, and some rando by means of defibrillator, x-ray machine, and duck hunt!

        Next up, Maniac Cop wacks the 2 reporters responsible for the veggie-cop. Good cop:) ! Releases the druggie that robbed the pharmacy and killed 3 officers. Bad cop:( ! Detective McKinney kills escaped druggie. Good Cop:) ! Maniac Cop kidnaps Veggie-Cop. Very BAD cop:(!

        Maniac Cop wants the voo-doo-doo priest to resurrect Veggie Cop in the same way he was. However, her soul does not want to come back and M-dawg throws a massive hissy fit and kills the priest, catching her and himself on fire in the process. This is the third time in as many movies that The Big M has been set on fire. Boy likes being burned, the weirdo. After a completely unnecessary car chase, Maniac is blown up with on oxygen tank. Did I mention he was on fire the ENTIRE TIME?!?

    The end, for now. Hell, the movie is over 30 years old so a sequel isn't likely. But never rule out a reboot.


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