Sunday, October 24, 2021

Doctor of what, exactly?

Doctor Sleep

   What if I told you that someone was ballsy enough to make a sequel to the film The Shining? The Kurbic film? You might say "impossible".  And you're right, it's damn near impossible. However, what if I told you that someone did it anyway, but didn't try to emulate Kubric like a hack film student and made it their own? And also make a 2 and a half hour film that was never boring?

     Meet the film Doctor Sleep, a spiritual, yet solid successor to The Shining. The vast majority of this film (yes, based on a book) pays very little homage to the original early on, but continues the story as best as it possibly could and only hitting the nostalgia button in the last 3/4 of the movie. It's only at that 3/4 point are we served a near Deep Fake of 1980 Jack Nicholson's face as the new bartender at the Overlook. It's just damn good make-up. The biggest contrast in the two films would be details: The Shining was ambiguous in details while Doctor Sleep is mired in them. Not overly intricate, but very useful. When's the last time you said that about a sequel?

     I don't want to give you details. It's not because it's so amazing, it's just good. 2 completely different films, yet the same in kinship. And the only spoiler you need to know is that Rose the Hat NEVER had the upper hand.

Saturday: Time for some barrel-scraping silliness....

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