Sunday, October 15, 2017

"People want reality!"

Halloween 8: Resurrection

     We start by visiting Laurie Strode in a mental hospital, which I guess is a family trait. Less than 5 minutes later, she's dead. The story we're told is that wasn't Michael she decapitated in the last film, it was  a poor security guard that switched places. So by that reasoning, the security guard had it out for Laurie too? Because whoever that was in the back of that van WAS trying to kill her. Oh for fucks sake, we're re-telling the story from the last movie. This is the finest definition of Sequel Hell and completely ruined the last movie.  Why did Jamie bother with this film at all? Oh, it's because she may not have read the contract very well. She was contractually obligated to be in this film for 30 seconds.

     The meat of this story is a bunch of stupid young people visit the home of Michael Myers for a webcast. Since Michael's a big fan of reality programming, he heads over to check it out and get some TV time. I'm guessing after seeing these young idiots take bong hits and try to hump their way through the house, he made the right decision and started hacking them up. Good call, Michael. Trust me, you'll spend this films 90 minutes rooting for Michael. Every one of these twatwaffles need to end their day with a knife in the head.

The cast:

Busta Rymes?

Tyra Banks?

Actual lines heard in the film:

"You'd be surprised how much you surprise yourself"

"The cameras are so phallic"

" You know Donna, you've got great legs. What time do they open?"

Monday: Another sequel compulsion for reasons I don't fully understand....

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