Saturday, October 21, 2017

29 years in the making...

The Corpse Grinders 2
I can assure you, NOBODY was waiting for this sequel.

     Not content with having made one terrible movie, 29 years later they decided to make a movie twice as bad. It looks like they filmed it on a camcorder in peoples basements and living rooms.
     Whew...OK, here we go: A race of cat-people escape their war-torn planet to help themselves to Earths resources. Meanwhile, two chuckle-heads (Landau and Maltby) are starting to revive a cat food plant, complete with grinder because the only way you can make cat food is with a grinder just large enough to stuff whole bodies in. And naturally, they start paying Caleb and Cleo to dig them up. Yeah, by the way, they reused all the main character names from the first film: Maltby, Landau, Caleb, Cleo, and Dr. Howard Glass. Considering this isn't a reboot, it's puzzling why they would do that. And in fact, aside from the stupid alien cat-people subplot, this movie is very much like the original despite completely falling apart at the end. Really, I think the artistic license they took was nothing more than throwing darts on a dartboard filled with random subplots.
Cat people. Yeah, I've got nothing on this.
     Yes the film is terrible. But what I love about it is the work everyone put in. They had little for resources, a budget smaller than that crap-fest I watched last year staring Cory Feldman, and I'm pretty sure every actor was from the local community theater. Yet somehow, they belted out a movie for an hour and 45 minutes. However, despite my somewhat upbeat attitude about this film, bring some caffeine with you because it's a slow burn to the end.

Sunday: Scraping the bottom of the barrel one more time....

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