Wednesday, October 18, 2017

A mediocre Gen-X interpretation of Stepford Wives, the teenage years.

Disturbing Behavior

This movie opens with a jock killing a girl who was giving him head because he needed to retain his fluids. He should've died much more horribly than he did.


Cyclops (James Marsden, looking tasty as usual) and his family move from Chicago to Cradle Bay after his brother commits suicide. He starts hanging out with the local stoners, one of whom has a theory that something something ain't quiet right with the jock squad, The Blue Ribbons (none of whom seem to play and actual sport). He's right.

After his friend becomes one of the fold, Clops and a pre-Scientology Katie Holmes dig up some dirt on the high school's educational fellow, Dr. Caldicott (Bruce Greenwood). Now, I had him pegged from the start. Who studies some buttfuck small town high school for two damn years when everyone knows the real sugar is in recycling data from inner city institutions. Also, the prim h.s. administrators were clearly enthralled with him, and yet dude swaggered in dressed like he was about to go on a midlife crisis date. Definitely the antagonist.

The film skipped a LOT of details. I surmised that the kids all got some kind of neuro-implant and brainwashing that made them re-enact what people think the 1950s were like. That is until they became sexually aroused. Then, gosh golly gee, it was a murdering spree. Seriously. And they were defeat by rodent pest control devices, at the hands of a man feigning retardation.

I hope the whole 31 days is not like this.

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