Wednesday, October 18, 2017

You'd think that a girl-punk cover of 'I'm The Man' would have me enthralled...

Yoga Hosers

     Two millennial Collens are about to have a really bad night. It's bad enough they had their phones taken away from them at school, but then find out they have to work tonight despite being invited to a party with senior upper clansmen? OMG!!! Could it get any worse?

     So this movie is about sentient Nazi bratwurst crawling up peoples asses in a bid to take over the world from their secret base underneath the Eh-To-Zed convince store. They were created and ruled by a mad Nazi scientist that had been cryogenically frozen under said convince store and since he has awoken, it's time ot Nazi shit up in Canada. An how, you might ask? Well, by using the "Bratzi's" to pilot a giant human skin covered golem.  Fuck, man....Kevin Smith just smokes too much weed.

     Part of a trilogy called True North. It's about Canadians written by a guy from New Jersey named Kevin Smith. You can tell it was written by an American because every stupid Canadian stereotype is there. It wears on you pretty quick and utterly pointless. They never said 'aboot' on "You Can't Do That On Television", so why do I hear it 50 million flippin' times in this stupid movie? And 'basic'?...a word that should only be used once when describing people or a situation, is heard about as much. And for fucks sake,  STOP with the bullshit accents! They sound more like mock-Minnesotans from the movie Fargo.

Did I mention that only one cast member was from Canada? You're watching a 95% American cast act 'Canadian'.....How the hell did this stupid movie not get banned in Canada? Obviously, it's an attempt at horror comedy, but I only chuckled once. At least its a quick 90 minutes.

Thursday: What do you think the inside of that mask smells like?

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