Monday, October 16, 2017

The movie they won't stop making

Evil Bong 420

     420? Get it? Because it's the 4th movie and it's about weed? Stupid damn movies. The only thing worse than watching them is realizing your compulsion to see them all. And that would be my character flaw.

     Rabbit has escaped from the Bongworld, and opened a 'topless bowling alley'. Needless to say, there's lots of pointless boobs in the age of free internet porn. Hot on his tail is EeBee, the Evil Bong, and the Ginger Dead Man. There's a lot of weirdness that I don't fully comprehend because I'm not stoned. I'm at a loss for words. There was a guy with a pig nose named Hambo, there was a horrible racist stereotype of Asians (complete with buckteeth and cameras), 2 rednecks (one got a mini spear to the eye by something called an Ooga Booga), there's even a sex scene for the stupid Ginger Dead Man...complete with money shot...Did I mention his penis was a bread stick?

     The one good thing I can say about this? Its about 53 minutes. That's right, they couldn't even stretch this out to 1 FULL HOUR.

Tuesday: Can a hack musician become a terrible filmmaker?

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