Sunday, October 22, 2017

And 12 years later....

The Corpse Grinders 3

     Not content with crapping on the American film industry, we exported this 80 minute turd to Spain so they could be just as crappy as us. Same as the first. Human based cat food turns cats into murder machines. At this point, I'm rooting for the blood thirsty cats. Ya know, it'd be really nice if they changed up the script or, oh...I don't know...wrote a new one!?! Despite the fact that we're now treated to 2 bald bumbling chuckle-heads, nothing much has changed on the script. Still making cat food out of human meat, still using a grinder big enough for a full-sized human body, and the cats are still murdering the hell out of people. Good for them. 
     Why the hell did I watch this sober? Screw it. I don't care that it's barely Sunday afternoon. I'm drinking this movie off. 
Monday: You ain't nothing but a hound dog narc...

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