Friday, October 11, 2013

The creepy little bastards are back....

Puppet Master 2

     Somehow, some way, we find those stupid puppets in a graveyard digging up Toulon's rotting corpse. They throw some magi-potion on the former home of Mr. Toulons' soul, and he's back on his feet. We've got ourselves a sequel!

     Like most movies of this fare, I've had a theory that they really exist only to (A) make money, and (B), introduce some new characters from the F/X department. As an example, we have 3 new pups named Torch, Mephisto, and Djinn. Mephisto and Djinn are only used in a flashback, but Torch is for real. And he's a real prick. This works in the same vain that the Hellraiser movies would introduce new Cenobites (albeit only for a few movies), or Kruger found new ways to off his victims in the dream world.
Evil Little Prick. Also, his Nazi helmet looks like a dick.

     As for the rest of the story, Tulon's re-animated corpse thinks that his late wife has been re-incarnated and spends the rest of the movie sending his bastard puppets out to murder the fuck out of anyone that breaths in her direction...or or anyone that breaths at all! And murder they do, with stabbing, beating, and the new favorite, BURNING. The cast looks mostly like a group of future victims of Jason Vorhees, and you start to wish he'd make an appearance. So Toulon commences to put himself into a new body and tries to make his 'wife' do the same. Here's the fucked up part is...this REALLY pissed off the puppets and they turn on him, brutally hacking him to pieces. I guess they don't mind murdering, but if they feel they've been used, then look the hell out. And the final scene? While the puppets were killing Toulon, they steal the magi-potion and later use it on another copse (that they created, I might add). And right before the credits, the cliff-hanger hook, she's seen driving down the road in a VW mini-bus, puppets in tow, looking just like one of them. I can't explain it very well and you must see it to believe it (sorry, couldn't find on youtube). It's one of the creepiest scenes I've seen in quite some time <shudder>

Saturday: No 'Zilla this year, but here's his retarded distant cousin....

1 comment:

  1. I never understood why the puppets were loyal to Toulon in the first place (or how new puppets could be made while he was dead). Weren't they really marionettes inhabited by the cursed souls of people Toulon had offed, anyway?
