Sunday, October 9, 2022

Again, I don't understand the fascination with zombies, but I do understand the strippers!

 Zombie Strippers

     What we have is a light script used to get a famous porn star, a famous horror icon, and some very topical jokes...from 2008. Case in point, one of the characters is named Byrdflough (get it? Bird-Flu? Yeah, that was a thing that happed almost 15 years ago which is when this movie was made). The story is half titty-zombies, and half satirical.'s dumb fun. It's over the top, the cast is having fun, and NOBODY is taking this too serious. Did you hear that, Bunnyman and PlankFace? NOT. TOO. SERIOUS.

I have trust issues with strippers.

    The main plot involves  a government lab that had a zombie problem, Marines that specialize in zombie removal, and golly, a Marine that got bit by a zombie that wanders into a strip club. Oopsie Poopsies!  Really, what more do you need? Yes, there's a lot of bewbs, but it doesnt' take or add anything to the plot. Mostly because it's just a stupid zombie stripper movie and  you can't possibly take that serious.

Stellar cast!!!:

Robert Englund not being Freddy!

Jenna Jameson'!

This movie was  a great break from all the other stupid movies that take themselves too serious. Grab a drink and snacks, and just turn off your brain for 90 minutes.

Saturday:...yes, I realize I'm posting this on a Sunday, but I'm behind because I have a life.  Tag! You're it!!

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