Monday, October 10, 2022

'80s homemade VHS movie that's NOT porn?!?

 Channel 13

How did this homemade turd warrant a poster?

     I'm not going to sugar coat this one. It is indeed a homemade horror film complete with, better make that NO acting, bad F/X, but an A++ for good intentions. An anthology based around the mythical Channel 13, hosted by some dweeb with a mask. 

Sorry, I'm not scared. I just feel humiliated for you.

All Hallows Eve

    A pathetic dork somehow turns a scarecrow sentient to do his bidding. Which is mostly revenge for being picked on...because he's a pathetic dork. In the end, his face is melted on an electric stove.

Claws Of Terror

    Another pathetic dork wearing nothing but blue denim decides winter is the best time to go for a stroll in the country with his bag full of bird seed. He's wrong, and a giant bird eats him and steals all his bird seed. Moving on....


     This pathetic dork wears a white flower sack over his head and chops up peoples bodies for the family 'Sauce Farm'. Great marketing. It was mostly filling to round out the 1.15 hour total run time.

     This whole movie was supposedly 'lost', and the maker completely forgot about its existence(?). Despite it being simple, and um...entry level, it still would have taken a lot of work and that makes it hard for me to believe this was forgotten. Nonetheless, I still had some fun with this ala Geek Maggot Bingo. Good effort, gold star for you!

Monday: Another turd in the punch bowl...

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