Thursday, October 6, 2022

Complexity is NOT this movies biggest problem....

 ...EXHISTING is its biggest problem

Plank Face

     Well fuck me. This is what happens when modern people meet an entire family of Nells. No really...a couple of *young campers* encounter a rapist, and then a family so back woods that they don't speech English. They don't wash either. But they DO eat people and wear a sheet of park on their faces. The girlfriend disappears,  but the boyfriend is kept around and groomed to be the next bark-faced boy of the family. But in order to do so, he has to eat balls? Literally, he ate the testicles of the previous Plank Face.  Oh, he also finds that his girlfriend was still alive and kills her with an axe. I guess that is the last thing connecting him to the modern world. Now he's free to do um....backwoods things like tree-humping, ignoring personal hygiene, and not speaking English.

     And that's it...that's the entire movie. I've not sat through one this bad in a while and really, this movie can go fuck itself right in it's stinky, unwashed anus. It made little sense, had little depth, and aside from the tasty-testicle scenes, wasn't even edgy. Run as far from this movie as you can!!!

Friday: Finally, a SERIOUS movie....

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