Friday, October 14, 2022

Warning: This movie contains a pointless Cheech & Chong reference ...

 Lowriders Vs. Zombies from Space

     I'll be brief because this movie was brief. A meteor lands near a weed farm and it somehow infects the marijuana with something that makes your face break out in green & black face paint and then compels you to murder people if you smoke it. Soo...technically the title isn't even right because the zombies are actually terrestrial and not from space? Also...everyone drives lowriders. And that's pretty much the entire 'movie'.  


57 minutes of people acting like they're from East L.A. 

57 minutes of weed references

57 minutes of guys super happy to have their lowrider in a micro-budget movie

38 minutes before the first zombie finally showed up

     With a proper script, this could have been a fun film. But in fact, it was a missed opportunity. The cast didn't even look like they were having fun on what's clearly a friend flick. Jokes on you when you find out the idiots that make the Evil Bong did a better job, and that's so-sad

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