Monday, October 10, 2022

Aww shit...subtitles.....


     Oh, Japania, thank you for never changing. I can always count on you for mass brutality and gore. 

Wasn't this a Toyota ad at one point?

       Some unseen force cuts the roof off the bus, slicing in half everyone but Matsuko. I've not laughed so hard at a horror movie in a long time. This is starting out very Japanese-like. 


Let's see that again, but from another angle...

And once more in its entirety!

     Anyhoo, she escapes the windy-slicey thing and wanders onto a campus where she meets other school girls that are apparently her besties. So she has amnesia? They skip class, and discuss infinite universes...because that's what Japanese school girls talk about. Soon they head back to class where the teach mows down all of her classmates with a machine  gun. Pretty soon, ALL of the teachers are in on the shooting and I sometimes wonder if that's a secret fantasy of theirs. She escapes the blood bath and returns to normal society again but as a different person, different haircut. This is obviously a trend that we're going to see repeat throughout the movie. The train really went off the rails during the wedding scene and the weirdness continues with a finale that...makes me think this wasn't intended to be a horror film. But it sure as hell started as one till it became a completely different movie after 45 minutes. Not as fun as Tokyo Gore Police, 1000x better than Psycho Shark.

Sunday: Local, Local, Local!!!

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