Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Aww shit...it's dubbed....

 Devil Story


    First off, we're treated to a guy in a horrible mask and SS uniform running around, stabbing people. Then we meet his mom who doesn't seem to mind all the killing. There's also a black stallion, a mummy, a mummy bride...this movie is all over the place. I can't make heads or tails of what the hell is going on. For example, why add thunderstorm track to a very clearly, overcast DAY.? There was a scene where a  black demon horse was play-fighting some random and it would show the horse frolicing around on said overcast day complete with thunderstorm soundtrack. HOWEVER, when flipped back to the guy the horse is fighting, it was very clearly NIGHTTIME. That's some damn fine editing, idiot. There's countless examples of this and the absolute saddest part about this movie is that it's NOT a joke! This isn't an intentional comedy, it's just funny because nobody knew how to make  proper movie! There's no consistency, there's no dialog...hell, the terrible F/X are completely overshadowed by all of this...stuff! Useless stuff that doesn't grow a plot or tie ANY scene together. Just random bits of non-acting and no story thrown together for what turned out to be our amusement. Nothing is ever explained! Why is the Nazi zombie even a thing, what's the deal with the mummy and his 'bride', and why is he vomiting expired blue milk?

What did you eat?!?

I'm over this pile of stupid. On to Tuesday: They're just confused...

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