Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Hippity Hoppity MURDERFACE!!!

 Bunnyman Massacre

^ it's really not.^

     So a guy in a bunny suit kills a bunch of kids on a school bus. Great way to start a movie. Then finds campers, kills them...just kinda wanders around killing people for no reason.

...fucking stupid movie...I'm tired of the old 'redneck' trope. I want to like this movie. It has a guy in a bunny suit killing people. You'd think that'd be enough, but that's where the fun idea ends. The actual PLOT is just dumb as hell. The Bunnyman has a deal to help this idiot redneck kill people so they can use the human meat to make human meat jerky. Oh, and there's some semi-hot women that are being stalked/killed. Truthfully, I'm not rooting for anyone in this movie. They all suck.

     This has me shaking my head: I watched "Bunnyman Massacre" . There's is also 'Bunnyman', and 'Bunnyman Vengeance'. But all this is confused when you put "THE Bunnyman Massacre" into the mix...which is the original "Bunnyman" retitled for the UK crowd. So the chronological order is (1) Bunnyman/THE Bunnyman Massacre, (2) Bunnyman Massacre/Bunnyman 2, and (3) Bunnyman Vengeance. I started with the second movie because consistency in titles is just outdated

     How the fuck did this get stretched out to an hour and 44 minutes? My only thought after the first 20 minutes was "FUCK..WHEN IS THIS GOING TO END?!?" Jesus... if you fell asleep writhing this script, that should have been an indicator to NOT GO THROUGH WITH IT. It's so booooring. Oh, and extremely misogynistic to the point of intolerance. I think I can pass on watching the other two if this is all it has to offer. And maybe more importantly, why are you still reading this?

Seriously, just go fuck off, Bunnydork. Your movie is poop.

Thursday: He was my favorite in the cul-du-sac...

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