Tuesday, October 22, 2019

It's not Halloween without a Summer camp film

Sleepaway Camp

      A boating accident causes the death of a father and child, leaving another child to live with their nutty aunt. Years later, Auntie Nutjob sends Angela, as well as her son Ricky to Camp Arawak (no where in the movie is "sleepaway" ever mentioned) for a Summer of fun and murder.

     Right from the start, Angela isn't having a good time.  She doesn't speak, she doesn't participate in any of the activities....she just stares at people and that leads (understandably) a lot of people to be annoyed and bully her.

What's the first word that comes to mind?
     Her over-protective cousin Ricky is always there to stand up for her, but pretty soon the 'accidents' start and we got ourselves a camp slasher!

      From there the accidents turn into violent murders as the movie settles into boring familiar territory all but for the very end scene. It wasn't hard predicting the killer, but I wasn't expecting the "pecker on the hen" ending that would have made Buffalo Bill smile.

This was really a Friday the 13th clone with deaths including:

Death by Drowning
Death by Bees
Death by Stabbing
Death by Machete x 4
Death by Curling Iron (not telling you how and where)
Death by Arrow

And as an added bonus, there's 3 sequels!!!....

Wednesday: It's only a matter of time before someone does a killer platypus movie...

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