Saturday, October 26, 2019

Lady, you suck as a camp counselor...

Sleepaway Camp 2

     File this under 'Unnecessary'. New camp, new kids, same old Angela.  Cripes, she didn't even change her name! More importantly, how the hell did she get out whatever hole they stuck her in after killing nearly 2 dozen people?!? I mean she killed KIDS!!! They don't let you out of ANYTHING after that. There's nothing said or implied about escaping, sooo...I guess we're just going to ignore all of that and get on with this sequel.

You murdered KIDS! This is what makes you squeamish?

     Apparently, Angela is the moral campus for all the campers and instead of just counseling them, she just murders the hell out of them. Talk back to her? Log to the back of the head and she cuts your tongue out. Smoke weed and drink booze? You're getting grilled (literally)! Flash your lady berries? Drill to the head. She just hates fun! But she LOVES murder.

     This film has a much different feel to it when compared to the first. It's a little less serious, a lot more bewbs, and I'm guessing it was meant to be a black comedy. It's not. Nothing was funny in this movie. And yes, that really is Bruce Springsteen's sister, Pamala.

Friday: I don't think I've ever sunk this far.....

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